Friday, 4 March 2011

The proof that children are natural poets

By Ashley

By Haley

By Georgia K

By Lauren

By Luke

By Sean

Did you ever see a pig?
pink colour
mud lover
big grunt. (By Jake)

Did you ever see a snake?
long body
no legs
sometimes venomous. ()

Did you ever see a dinosaur?
ferocious teeth
terrible claws
hard tails
now extinct. (By Georgia S)

By Jordie

Did you ever see a flesh-eating demon?
flaming hair
fire-filled body. ()

Did you ever see a dragon?
sharp horn
white teeth
long tail. (By Joel)

Did you ever see a giraffe?
sausage ears
wide eyes
sharp teeth
fluffy-frilled tail
spotty nose. (By Bella).

Did you ever see a puppy?
fluffy puppy
barking softly
friendly mannered
cute body. (By Amber)

By Yeju (The cat's sign says 'Finish').


  1. What a pleasure to read, love Ashley's elephant(fantastic drawing)! They all did a wonderful job!

    Thanks for all the sneaky peaks, its a highlight of my day!

    Kylie(Amber's mum)

  2. Wow Lauren, great poetry!

